Sitting down to record a What Happened After podcast episode with Sarah Galvez was like sitting down with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time. We talked through the reality of what “day to day” looks like on a campaign, how rapid the rapid fire response moment around the fly in the Vice Presidential debate actually was, but most importantly, how to make sure you feel empowered to GOTV this November.
I’m a big believer, like Sarah, that everyone has a sphere of influence they can be tapping ahead of November. I’m a bigger believer that most times what stops us from reaching out is how little we may believe in ourselves, our voices, or our ability to use the tools at our disposal. Knowing this, I specifically wanted to have a conversation with Sarah Galvez because in her role as Director of Social and Audience Development for Biden 2020’s campaign, her expertise gives all of us a starting point and honestly encouragement.
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